How to safely pack and ship batteries?

When transporting nearly all type of battery, you must protect the electrodes to avoid fires due to short circuits.

To protect the electrodes, either completely cover them with insulating, non-conductive material (for example, use insulating tape or put each battery into a separate plastic bag), or put each battery into a completely sealed inner packaging bag to ensure Exposed electrodes are protected.

• Pack the battery properly to prevent it from being squeezed or damaged, and to prevent the battery from shifting during transportation.

• Always keep batteries away from metal objects or any other material that could cause a short circuit between the electrodes

(For example: place the battery in a separate inner box)

NOTE: To prevent fire, any device containing a battery must be transported with it closed to prevent the device from being accidentally opened. Even very simple devices such as flashlights or cordless drills can generate dangerous amounts of heat if activated accidentally.

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